What is DMA Firmware?

DMA firmware is the disguise of your DMA card to look like like something other than a DMA card.

Why is this neccessary?

If using a DMA card without any modified firmware, the anti cheat of any game will ban you. This is because anti cheats can detect firmware with the default signatures.

"So how is Cypros firmware undetectable?"
Cypros works by disguising the DMA card as a legitimate device.

Anti cheats know that a device is being used for malicious purposes if the device is not actually performing a legitimate function.

By disguising the DMA card as a PCIe device with a legitimate function, the detection of a card with Cypros firmware can be circumvented.

How does Cypros disguise their firmware?

Cypros clones real physical PCIe devices, trying as hard as possible to replicate every function of the real device.

How does this disguise work?

Unlike some firmware providers, Cypros emulates as much of the physical device as possible.

When you hear terms like TLP emulation and driver support this is what they mean.

TLP means Transport Layer Packets.

TLP emulation is the process of replicating the packets being sent and received from real PCIe devices and emulating them with a DMA card.

A real PCIe device would actually perform a function. In the case of a network adapter, Transport Layer Packets would be sent and received from the device, which would be neccessary for the network adapter to function.

Cypros firmware monitors the TLP activity of a real device and emulates it with their firmware.

Driver support is the association of the DMA card with a kernel driver

Real PCIe devices have drivers. If an Anti Cheat sees a PCIe device that does not have a kernel driver, they know that this device is illegitmate.

"How does Cypros add driver support?"
Real PCIe devices send read and write requests to drivers to communicate. Cypros modifies firmware to emulate the sending and reception requests of drivers.

"Is Cypros firmware available?"
Fortunately, everyone is accepted as a member of our community.

It has been proven that when firmware providers close their doors to the public, there is an extremely high risk of it being a ""shitty firmware""

Alot of firmware providers don't know this. This proves their ability to evade detections / blocks from different Anti-Cheats is not the best. We want our community to consist of those who are not only passionate about the cheating community, but also remain beginner-friendly

We would also like to maintain the quality of our private guides, which give a deeper understanding into DMA. These guides cover things like more advanced anti cheat evasion techniques as well as the right customizations for whatever cheat you use.

Approaching firmware in this way is beneficial to our customers as well.

If an anti cheat does somehow identify the signatures of a unique version of Cypros firmware, we custom build each firmware to each customer, meaning that they are the only one banned.

With firmware providers who do not employ this anti cheat evasion technique, all of their users will get banned.